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If you have the passion and heart for helping those in underserved communities, come volunteer with us on our next mission trip as we serve the people by providing medical, vision, and dental services that will help them live healthier with better lifestyle outcomes


We receive most of our financial support from individuals like you. Our mission trips are our largest single expense. So if you can help us financially we would be grateful and the people receiving the services we provide would greatly appreciate your kindness and generosity. 

Look for WAYS YOU CAN DONATE below


In Person 

If you are near Joshua we can meet with you at a location that is safe and convenient.

Simply call the telephone number listed below so we can make proper arrangement



This is a very convenient way to give. Simply click the DONATE button below and follow the prompt.

Your tax deductible receipt for your donation will be immediately sent to the email address you provided


By Mail

Make checks payable to

"Mission Saint Faith" 

memo: "Jamaica 

Mission Trip 2024"


The mailing address is

305 E 12th St 

Suite B PMB 1003

Joshua TX 76058

QR Code

Scan the QR Code below and follow the prompt for your secure donation and receive a tax deductible receipt

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